
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you do not see a cable that meets your needs.
As a solutions provider, we can modify cables as a cost effective way to meet your unique system requirements, or we can design new cables as needed.

Please select one of the following four options to begin your product search:

Cable Selection Chart

Compare 50 Ohm Flexible Cable Specs

Part Number Search

Click on the link below perform a part number search to generate specifications for an assembly.

Perform a part number search.

When you have completed a successful search, you will also be able to:

  • Change the armoring, connectors, or cable length and generate the revised part number and specifications
  • Request a quote

Product Line Application Guide

Search by Phase, Handling and Cost

Cable Configurator

Search for flexible cable by Loss, Size and Frequency
You will be asked to select from a list of options and input your specifications. This will allow you to:

Configure a cable assembly and determine a part number

  • View detailed specifications
  • Calculate insertion loss
  • Request a quote

